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Tags: Black Tea, Health benefits -

Did you know that from 2018 to 2019, the revenue generated by the global tea industry increased by 7.4%? The truth is that there's nothing quite like a big cup of tea to make you feel warm and cozy and clearly, more and more people are realizing this. Now that winter is right around the corner, it's the perfect time to load your pantry with all sorts of teas and infusions and an absolute must-have in this new collection of yours is a nice selection of black teas. If you've never had it before, keep reading, as we have the perfect...

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Tags: Green Tea, Health benefits -

Summary: Is green tea a life-changing beverage? Can green tea it help you lose weight? What are the health benefits of green tea consumption daily? Let us break it down!  For a while now researchers have been raving about green tea being beneficial to improve your health and lifestyle. But, do we actually know why it’s such an instant hit for those who want to live a healthy lifestyle? Well, in this article we will deep dive into the facts and even share with you a recipe for weight loss!  What is green tea?  Green tea is precisely what it...

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What's the global standard for tea? Remember the last time you bought clothes? Whenever I'm buying clothes I look for the brand name and then the price, feel, material, etc. Then I rank them the way I want. But the truth is it may not be the best way to rank my choices, but it is based on my fashion likes. Tea should be different. Because it is something we drink daily and we should be mindful of what goes into our body. This is why you should know what to look for when buying tea. We’ll share our learnings...

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Tags: Black Tea, Health benefits -

Tea and health are two sides of the same coin. You might wonder whether tea’s connection to health is just another one of gimmicks nowadays. If that’s the case, you are in the right place to understand how lifechanging it can be.

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For most, the choice is based on personal preference driven by individually acquired taste, health and consumption implications be damned. But as civilization ‘progresses’, humanity feels an increasing need to validate their consumption choices. The on-going argument to reach a verdict on which beverage deserves that place in the sun as the finer pick came about as a result.   

Multiple studies and research over the years have provided adequate backing for both tea and coffee, leaving us stuck at square one with no conclusion reached. No, the argument is not going to be repeated here with its countless stalemates. Perhaps, a more objective exploration on how one might be a better alternative to the other may be apt in consideration of global harmony and its sustained continuity.

 We do not want a war between the tea and coffee drinkers of the world!

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